How to Start Online Earning by Just Doing Small Online Jobs at Sproud GiG


Today I am going to show you the brand new method of earn money. You can not become rich by doing this but you can make your pocket money. You can do it without any investment and without any skill you will just complete small task and money. 

                SPROUD GIGS or PICOWORKER

Just search Sproud gigs in your browser and open this website. I am going to show you the actual interface of this website. So the actual interface of this website is

How to Start Online Earning by Just Doing Small Online Jobs at Sproud GiG

First of all we test the website real or fake from scam adviser. Go to the scam adviser and paste the link of this website. 

You can see the review of this website is very high and the trusted score of this website is 100 %. It mean you can work on this website without any tension. So let's started over signup process

Click to the signup and there you will enter your name, email, password and confirm your password, Next enter your nickname and country and select account type  to "I am a worker" and agree to the term and condition of the website. Next there will send you email for active your account. Just click to the link in your email and your account is automatically activated.  Go to the Micro job and click find job. There you will see many task like 

You can see there lot of task. These task are very easy. Just complete these task and send proof to the owner in few hour they will send you money and you can easily withdraw this money into your account. Let' start talking how can we withdraw this money into Easy paisa or Jash cash. 

                                   WITHDRAWAL METHOD 

If you click to the wallet and click to the request withdrawal and you are beginner on this website than there you will see this type of message "Your task interval timer must be 0 to withdraw. New users must complete a minimum amount of tasks to achieve a zero task interval. Withdraw when you have over $5 in your earned balance. You can not withdraw money from your spendable balance. Withdrawals are processed within 10 business days." Its mean your current balance is zero and you can not withdraw you money and you will receive your money in 10 days. First of all you need to work on this website and if you earn more than 5 dollar than you will withdraw your  money and on the top you will see " new user must wait at least 7 day before requesting first withdrawal. You can withdraw your money after one weak. So for the withdraw you need Skrill account.

How to make Skrill account?

Search Skrill in your browser and you will reach tot the website. Click to the register on the right top corner and there you will see your registration form.

So, here you will enter your first name and last name and select you country and currency to USD. Next you will enter you email and password. Your password must be strong. Click to the send money and click Get started. There you will enter you address and your city and postal code. If you not know about your postal code. Just go to the Google and click to the search bar. There you will search city postal code like "Rawalpindi postal code" and there you will easily find your postal code. Next you will enter your date of birth and Phone number and click to the next. Skrill will send you confirmation code on your mobile number. Just enter your confirmation code. You will see that your account is ready next you will click to the login and there you will enter your same Email and password. You will easily login to this website.

So for the withdraw you will click to the wallet and request withdraw. There you will select your account to Skrill. Next you will paste your Skrill account number and click to the send token they will send you message. Click to the message and copy this pin and paste into your Token box. Next you will click to the send request and there you will see that your payment is in pending in a few day you will receive your payment to Skrill.

How you can withdraw your money from Skrill to Jashcash?

For the withdraw you will go to your Skrill account and click to the withdraw. Next you will enter in what method do you want to withdraw. Select mobile wallet and click next. next you will see the + icon. Just click to this icon and there you will enter you phone number and select the mobile operator to Jashcash. Next you will click add mobile wallet. After adding you will click to the next. Next you will enter your withdrawal amount. So, the minimum withdraw money is 0.02$. Enter your withdrawal amount and click next. when you will click to the next you will see total information about your withdraw. Just click to the confirm and next you will see that you easily withdraw your money.

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