Top Best tips to get your first order on Fiverr


Top best tips to get order on Fiverr. So if you are working on fiver and you are not getting your first order then today. I will tell you how you can rank your GIG in searching  and how you can avoid the mistakes that every new guy makes.

                 Tips to get your fist order on Fiverr

. profile optimization
. Keyword research 
. Make total  7  GIG
. Promote on Social media
. Use buyer request wisely
. Online 24 hours
. Use GIG video
. Make professional thumbnail
. start with low price

                                   What is profile optimization?

Profile optimization is how you ready your profile. Profile optimization include username, Title, Description, Languages. In profile optimization you will make your profile attractive for viewers. How to Optimize your profile professionally? Your profile is the most important thing. Because it discuss totally about you. You need to customize it properly. Your title is the most important thing. SO, you will select unique and most ranking keyword and you will write some unique and best description for your Fiverr GIG. The most important thing is Your thumbnail. You will make your own unique and beautiful thumbnail.

                                   What is keyword researching?

Keyword is a part of SEO (search engine optimization). Lets know what is Keyword? A keyword is something that if someone searches for something then you will come up there like if your GIG is about graphic designing than yo will focus one keyword abut graphic designing and you will paste this keyword in title, tags, description. The benefit of this keyword is if someone search about your keyword than there your GIG will display. You can Get idea of your keyword from keyword planner and lot of tool are more for keyword researching.

                                         Why we make 7 GIG?

If you make 7 GIG than it will increase your chance to get more order because first your GIG is displayed at one place after making 7 GIG your chance t get order will increase 7 time.

                                How to promote on social media?

For to promote your Fiverr GIG you will make your different social media account. You will make your social media account on Linkedin especially and You will make you facebook page, instagram account, and you will make your account on other platforms. You will upload your portfolio on these platform. It will increase your chance to get order fast.

                     what is user buyer request and how to send?

If you make your Fiverr GIG than there you will see many buyer request. Lot of peoples not take serious to these buyer request. You will take buyer request seriously and send Buyer request to the people. 

                           Why is it important to online 24 hours?

It is important to live 24 hours. It increase your chance to get order and one more thing. If you search something on fiverr like 'professional graphic designer' and there you will see lot of GIGs. You will see filter 'online seller' on the top than you will see some GIGs there and you will get lot of chances to get order.

                        What is the benefit of uploading GIG video?

It is very important to upload Your GIG video because it look you professional and it make strong impression on customer. You will make your portfolio before making GIG and you will edit your portfolio in video and make your video like ads. After making video you will upload this video on your GIG. It will increase your chances to get order. 

                  How to make Fiverr thumbnail attractive?

If you are working on Fiverr and do not make any professional thumbnail on your GIG and if you are waiting to get order on Fiverr without uploading any professional thumbnail than you are just wasting your time. Thumbnail is very important and necessary for your Fiverr GIG or  Youtube video. Because, when people see your GIG then they first of all see your GIG thumbnail. If your thumbnail is not attractive than they will ignore your GIG and if your GIG is attractive and people like your portfolio, thumbnail,  and video than you will get order 100%. Let's talk about how you can make your thumbnail. You can make your thumbnail from any photo editor software. It is no matter that what software you are using but the main thin your thumbnail should be attractive if you want to earn real money from Fiverr.

                                    Start with low price?

You will always start your GIG with low price because some people are searching for low price seller. If you start with low price and you do all of you GIG SEO than you will get 100% order.

I want to say you one of the most important thing. If you want to earn money from Fiverr without doing any thing, without applying thumbnail, without uploading video, without doing any SEO than listen. There are lot of peoples more on Fiverr whose are providing any kind of service. If you really want to earn earn money than you will follow any single step in this blog. If you follow every step and than you will not get order SO, it is impossible. Because if you follow this blog entire than you will get order 100%.
I hope that you will enjoy this blog if you have any question about this blog than you will ask this question in comment box. Thanks.

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