how to earn money from facebook pages in Pakistan & monetize facebook page


How to earn money from facebook Pages in Pakistan and how you can monetize your facebook page. Today I am going to show you the top best method to earn money online from facebook pages. If you want to earn money from Facebook without investing any money and without any paid course, then I will tell you exactly the right way by which you can earn money from Facebook and make your future bright. I will only teach you my experience I will not teach you anything else today is my first blog in which I will tell you to earn money from Facebook. If you want to earn real money, then you have to read the entire blog well, otherwise you will not understand. Let's know how you can earn money from Facebook.

                      Earn money from Facebook

I am going to tell you three ways that you can earn money from home so you just read and follow the entire blog and I promise you that you will become able to make money.

What is the ways to earn money from Facebook?

The first way is that facebook stars yes you can earn money from Facebook stars for that you need to have 1000 followers after that your star option will enable and your earning will start from facebook stars. So know what Facebook stars. Facebook stars are if someone watches your video and like your video than he Give you stars to appreciate you.

. Our second way is facebook bonus. Within this you get a date until anyone can send you a star for free, after that someone have to invest money to send you stars.

Our last and most important way is this it's called in steam ads yes you can monetize your page facebook page the most asked question is can we monetize our facebook page While living in Pakistan. The answer is yes, you can make your Facebook Page monetize while living in Pakistan. How can you get your Facebook page monetize while you are in Pakistan, and after monetization, ads will start playing on your videos and you will start earning money with the help of these ads.

How to monetize your facebook page in Pakistan?

First of all, before monetize your Facebook page, you should know how to create your Facebook page, because it is very  important for you. How can you create a Facebook page? To create your Facebook page, you will click here

how to earn money from facebook pages in Pakistan & monetize facebook page

and there you will add your information in which you will see the name of your page and its category after that you have to add your number after editing you need to add some information. After that your facebook page will be credited very easily and here you can earn money by uploading your video as talk about how you can credit video on your facebook pagelet's talk about how you can upoad video on your facebook page? you will just click to the more and create post. There you will see upload video you will just click to this. You will upload your video and enter your title and description and also you can upload thumbnail of your facebook video and also you can also enter tags and description of your video. 

Paid method: For paid method you will go to your page and if you want to promote your page than you will click promote button and if you want to promote your post than you will click  boost post. There you will see your goal. Select your original goal and save and next you will select button.  You can add button according to your ads. Next you will select peoples type and location. next the most important thing that you will see is time duration. There You will select your doration and your budget that you have for facebook ads. Next you will select your payment method. After dong this ou will click Boost now and your ads will published. This is the paid method to run your ad on facebook. 

Free method: For to run your ads for free you will go to the page setting and general. In the third option you will see " News feed audience and visibility for post. You will just "on" this option. Its mean lot of audience will come to your page. You will just post your ads video and complete SEO (search engine optimization) of your video. If people interested about you ads then they will definitely click to your ads.

This is the top best ways to earn money from facebook pages. If you work properly and regularly on your pages than you will definitely monetize your page. Lot of people are working by this method. You can also do this. 

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